It is summer and time to relax and READ!
Every summer we make a chart like the one shown and post it on the wall. It is filled with empty books on a bookshelf. During the summer as we read, we add book titles to the books. It’s easy and a fun way to motivate each other to read. This can be done as a family project but have also done it with a chart for each family member.
We also have movie-a-thons watching movies that are based on a book. A great book discussion always follows comparing the book and movie, characters and plot.
“Book commercials” at the dinner table include telling about a favorite book or author. It does not need to be planned or prepared, a spontaneous conversation makes it fun.
There are also other great reading incentives: Barnes and Noble, Borders, and Books a Million all offer free books or money off when you read. Check out your local public library for other reading programs. Also, don’t forget to sign up for the Pizza Hut Book It reading club for next fall, for grades K-6.
Look around and plan time to read as a family and alone—then disappear into a good book. There is nothing like a good example, so pull out a book Mom and Dad!